Egyptian Society For Membrane Technology & Its Application

About Us

The Egyptian Society of membranes technology and its applications, is a non- profitable NGO, established by group of professors from National Research Centre, its goals are mainly as flows:

1- Spreading awareness among humans

and rural communities in the field of membranes and water filtration systems with suitable means and mechanisms, and this specially will be directed to lowest standard of level population.

2- Playing a vital role in the sustainable development       and  preserving environment.

3- Raising knowledge and facilitating tools for traders, manufacturers and so experts in the field of membranes based water filters/ wastewater treatment systems.


Annual subscription :-


- Egyptian membership: 250 L.E for the first year only and annually for 150 L.E including the membership ID.


-Egyptian membership ( For companies and organizations ) : 1000 L.E annually .


-Non Egyptians membership: 50 $ annually


-Non Egyptians Companies membership 200 $ annually


Benefits of ESMT personal  membership:-


1. The member is granted 20 percent discount from the cost of the courses , conferences and seminars which are organized by the association.
2. Attending the free scholarships which are organized by the association.
3. Participating in the membership of the various committees of the association.
4. See the latest books and volumes in the association library.
5. Getting the magazine which is published by the association.
6. The ability of finding job opportunities which are allowed to ESMT members inside or outside the Arab nations.




Benefits of ESMT membership for organizations and companies :-


1-People who are chosen by the company are granted a discount that reaches 25% when they attend the courses , conferences and seminars.


2- Participating in the membership of the various committees of ESMT.


3-Participating in the membership of different commissions of ESMT.


4-Giving a consultation tips in water and wastewater treatments based upon membranes.


5-Participating in the international conference which is organized by ESMT as a speaker or audience.